Highland Park Continuation High Home

Welcome to the Home of the Hawks
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About Us

Welcome to Highland Park High School. We offer a personalized learning environment for at-promise students. The philosophy of our school is based on the belief that all students are capable of success. 

News & Announcements


Feb 20

Grooming and Online Grooming Awareness

Time: 12 PM – 1 PM
Location: Highland Park High School

Parent Theme "Financial Literacy"

Time: 4 PM – 6:30 PM
Location: Highland Park High School

Student Led Conference

Time: 5 PM – 6:30 PM
Location: Highland Park High School

Mar 6

Fire/Earthquake/Lockdown Drill

Time: 12:36 PM – 12:51 PM
Location: Highland Park High School

Mar 7

Coffee With the Principal

Time: 9 AM – 10 AM
Location: Highland Park High School
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Our Mission

The mission of Highland Park High School is to provide all students opportunities to reach a high level of performance as determined by college and career-readiness standards while cultivating socially responsible, respectful, self-disciplined , transformative human beings with positive behaviors and attitudes. With a multi-faceted system of support and intervention, we pledge to work with the students and their families to realize these outcomes.